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/ The Games Machine 144 / XENIATGM144.iso / Shareware / VCDEasy 1.1.1 / VCDEasy_v1.1.1_Setup.exe / {app} / VCDEasy.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TPAGEXMLVIEWER / TPAGEXMLVIEWER.txt
Text File  |  2002-05-20  |  7KB  |  206 lines

  1. inherited PageXmlViewer: TPageXmlViewer
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  16.     Caption = '  Displays the last generated XML document'
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  88.   object PanelXmlViewer: TPanel [2]
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  114.         Caption = 'Display the XML documents with colors'
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  118.       object ButtonSaveTextOrRtf: TButton
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  160.   object ButtonLoadXmlFile: TButton [3]
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  186.       'ButtonPrintSetupXmlViewer')
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  200.   object SaveDialogTextOrRtf: TSaveDialog
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  205. end